Feb 4th note. No information yet so I’m going to guess that it is the weekend of 26th and 27th July and have started registration to gauge interest. It may turn out to be 19th and 20th July instead to leave sufficient time before the Euros.
This is a regular Thistles event; great social and very enjoyable on the usual two quality astros at Swansea University Sports Park. This is an “Open” event though a little fairness will be needed if heavily oversubscribed.
– Date: UNCONFIRMED but guessed as Saturday 26th July 10am to Sunday 27th July 3pm.
– Venue: Pitches are at King George V Playing Fields SA2 9AU. The Sketty Lane entrance SA2 8QB is for the university building and the large overflow car park.
– Teams: Mixed age and ability teams from across out Sixties Plus age groups with scope for possible under-agers
– Opposition: Dragons (2 or 3), LX (2), Gatfers and other west of England.
– Format: Multiple 50 mins matches.
There is either a dinner on the Saturday evening at the University or a BBQ at the pitch pavilion.
Single room accommodation at the adjacent halls of residence (walking distance to ground but all single rooms) at £TBA + VAT per person per night for Friday and Saturday nights or only Saturday night is available if notified in advance. There are many hotels to choose from in Swansea and the Mumbles area.
............ Want to cancel your application?