Shirt Order Form

Please associate your order with one section.
Mobile is most helpful. Use home number if no mobile.
New Member is a subsidised £20 for both the shirts. To add or replace a single shirt is £29. Other is for GK or special cases (provide detail in Information below, thx)
POST to UK address above add £6.60. OTHER means you have made your own arrangement (detail in Information below, thx).

Shirts orders take 4-5 weeks.
Payment is via bank transfer to this account.

Account name             SMLXHC Account 1
Account number          10000980
Sort code                     83 - 00 - 50

Reference                   (your name) Shirts

State the amount paid or ask for a reply confirming amount to pay.
BOTH unless you require only the Blue or the White. Other is GK or special arrangement (provide detail in Information below, thx)
Ladies 8-20, men 36-50, or Other (detail in Information, thx). Shirt has no stretch. My large/40in t-shirt is a Thistles shirt 42.
For additional or replacement only - please provide your existing shirt number
Provide information relating to Size, Colour, Delivery, GK etc
Anything else relevant to the order e.g. date of Event coming up.

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