TILBURG 25-27 April
IGMHF Nottingham 29 Jun-6 Jul
EUROS M55-M60 Nottingham 8-17 Aug; M65 up Monchengladbach 21-30 Aug
Thistles wants to be more competitive and to achieve this we want more National players to add to the best of Thistles to make a BIG squad that covers all three events. But life is not simple:
- National team training dates clash.
- National team rightly takes priority.
- National and Thistles both at Euros.
However waiting for the other shoe to drop is not in our interests. So:
1. Sign up if you can make one or all so we see the interest.
2. Accept and inform the powers-that-be that missing a National training date to play in a prestigious competition is a worthy goal.
3. Sign up anyway in the knowledge that if National do want you then you go with our blessing and no charge for the event. If it turns out they don’t then you are guaranteed quality hockey.
In 2018 when we won the Silver Medal at the World Trophy in Barcelona Mike (bless, sob) organised a training weekend beforehand in Bedford. So we want to float these dates for the BIG squad to attend:
- Sunday 6th April for a training day for the BIG squad in either Glasgow or Edinburgh.
- Sat/Sun 7-8th June for a training camp in England such as Wakefield or Bedford. This would include matches and socialising on the Saturday evening.