Members Area

AGM 2024

Want details for this year's AGM?  Click for pages on AGM 2024

For information on previous years (2023) click here


Attending an Event

Want to know what is required if you are intending attending an Event?

Click for pages showing Attending an Event.


Constitution, Policies and Procedures

Want to know what being a member entails?  Click for pages showing the Constitution, Policies and Procedures


Want to find a form to complete?  Click for pages showing Forms to Complete


Parts of the MEMBERS AREA are still under repair.  Hard hats must be worn - no new ones.



Scottish Hockey Survey


This is an external link to Scottish Hockey who themselves use Survey Monkey.  It is aimed at us and everyone, playing or not playing who is 35 and over.  Can you also forward this link to your club secretary for them to pass on to all members of your club who are over 35 (whether playing or not playing).  The more people who complete the survey the better for the growth of masters type hockey inside Scotland.

England Hockey already run regular masters events across their regions and this is proving highly successful.  So this survey is not just about International or Thistles but the aim of expanding the social and competitive opportunities for playing age group hockey inside Scotland.

If you do not want to click on the link then go to and use their search for Active Living Hockey Survey.