11 Sept 23 update
Below is a list of events for 2024 so that you can organise your diary to be available for those of interest. I highlight specifically:
- Dundee: Our own festival in August
- Regular events: Lille, Tilburg, Swansea, Bra and Octoberfest
- Specific to 2024: The Hague (probably our major event of the year), Duisberg (for us a trial event), World Cups: Capetown (depending on interest) and Auckland (depending on availability).
The list is primarily aimed at the Mens o60s, o65s and o70s.
- M55 have been added where known and are also welcome to enroll as under-agers for o60s and Open events.
- M75 tend to self-organise and are welcome to enroll in o70s and Open events.
The Poll to register your interest will be added in due course.
Date TBC: the date has still to be confirmed.
Event Possible / Likely / Confirmed: i.e. to be arranged / happens but no invite yet / invite already received
Open Events: No age or ability qualification.
Selected Events: Usually age streamed and selection criteria applied.
Date | Name | Status | Location | Aimed at | Comment |
21 or 28 January (tbc) | LX North | Possible Open | Wigton, Carlisle | M65, M70 | Trying to arrange. Underage and overage permitted. |
15-17 Mar (tbc) | Lille
Likely Open | Lille, France | Team Blue Team White | One or two teams depending on numbers. Mixed ages. |
Mid April (tbc) | LX 70 & 75 | Possible | Wakefield | M70, M75 | Early season warm up matches vs LX |
Mid April (tbc) | LX 60 & 65 | Possible | Wakefield | M60, M65 | Early season warm up matches vs LX |
No Date | Celtic Cup | (National teams only) | In Scotland | Natl M60, M65, M70 | Listed for completeness |
26-28 April | ISVTilburg | Confirmed Selected | Tilburg, Holland | M60+M65+M70, Ladies. Possible M55 | Major Thistles event against quality teams. |
No Date | Jersey | Not known Open | Jersey | o70s | No info |
17-19 May | Home Nations | (National teams only) | Ireland | Natl M60, M65, M70 | Listed for completeness |
May | Eburons | Likely Open | Belgium | – | Thistles may attend |
15 – 16 June (tbc) | LX North | Likely Open | Lakes, Cockermouth | Team Blue, Team White | All ages but usually aimed from about age 63 upwards. |
24-30 June | The Hague | Confirmed Selected | The Hague Holland | M60, M65, M70 | SoM only. WGMA organised. Likely to be our big event of the summer. |
19-21 July | Four Nations Invitation | Confirmed Selected | Duisberg, Germany | Natl + SoM M65, M70 | WMH rules. Never previously attended |
26 – 28 July (tbc) | Dragons Festival | Likely Open | Swansea | Team Blue Team White | Usually last weekend in July |
9 – 11 Aug | Thistles Festival | Confirmed Open | Dundee | M55, M60, M65, M70, Blue, Ladies | Teams available for all Thistles |
18-25 Aug (tbc) | Bra | Confirmed Open | Italy | M60, M65, M70, Ladies | A mixed age team if need be |
12-21 Oct | World Cup | Confirmed Selected | Cape Town South Africa | Natl + SoM M65, M70 | Attendance depends on early expression of interest |
22-24 Oct (tbc) | Octoberfest Festival | Likely Open | In England | M60, M65, M70 | Date likely to change to avoid clash with WC |
7-16 Nov | World Cup | Confirmed Selected | Auckland New Zealand | Natl + SoM All Ladies, Men o45-60 | Attendance depends on early expression of interest |
Please advise of any errors or omissions.