Test Page for new membership form

As you wish to be addressed (e.g. Mike)
Surname/family name/last name to organise by (e.g. McInally). More name information can be included in Comments.
Please associate your membership with one section.
Asked for again so we can organise by location
International dialing format is most helpful: +44 (for the UK), drop the "0", then the rest of the number with a space. Use home number if no mobile.
Required for all who wish to play. For others please use a dummy entry of 1st January of the current year.
PLAYING: must register with Scottish Hockey. ASSOCIATE: non-playing, non-voting. FRIEND: has asked to receive playing communication. (Note: Life Members may choose Playing or Associate)
Enter the name of the main hockey club you belong to. For those not playing please enter "NA".
To play for Thistles you need a registration with Scottish Hockey for the current season. Those playing for Scottish clubs will already be registered.
For all playing members we need a contact name and phone number on file (or more than one). For others please enter "NA".
YES: Contact me about playing opportunities and other relevant matters. NO: limit contact only to formal matters (e.g. AGM). Note: for contact we may use an email service (e.g MailChimp).
Use this if there is any other information relevant to registering as a member of Thistles.